Active Learning is where children participate in all aspects of their learning, asking questions, problem solving, and experiencing for themselves. This innovative approach is a departure from traditional teaching models where children passively listen as information is passed to them.



Active Learning Academy is a program that works closely with each individual child. Encouraging children to move forward with exciting milestones while allowing them to set their own pace. Children love to be challenged but it is our belief that children will show us how to challenge them. Through observation and listening we are able to provide experiences for your child that will delight them, challenge them, and help them expand their imagination and confidence.

We utilize many different teaching strategies based on the children within our classes. Knowing that our teachers are also students of early childhood education, we are always continuing our own education to ensure we are able to meet every child exactly where they are. Children want to move, they want to create and they want to connect…Active Learning Academy provides an environment where they can do all three.

At Active Learning Academy we focus on:

  • Awareness of those and what is around us

  • Confidence building

  • Trust

  • Imagination

  • Verbalization - asking questions and setting personal boundaries

  • Emotional intelligence

Preschool is your child’s first look at education. But it isn’t the first place they’ve learned.  We believe in every family’s uniqueness and we make getting to know your family values a top priority. We consistently communicate with parents to ensure that we are providing opportunities that will cultivate your child’s strengths as individuals and within your family unit.

Hands down the best place for your kids! Jen and her staff were pivotal for my son in his preschool years and now he’s headed into 2nd grade and still talks of his amazing time at preschool!!!
— Kristin, Parent