
Our curriculum is designed to promote emotional intelligence and independence. We provide a daily rhythm that has a perfect blend of child led and teacher led activities. Our curriculum encourages engagement, confidence, and active participation. At Active Learning Academy, we use our imagination and make messes, and also maintain comfortable expectations. Monthly themes introduce the students to many topics such as, music, artists, dinosaurs, family, arctic animals, and so much more!

Group time

Group Time allows the teacher and students to engage in meaningful discussions and to uncover interests and new ideas. Music, movement, stories, and games are highlights of our group time activities. We come together as a community to celebrate our time together and to learn more about one another and what we are learning about. We solve classroom problems, work through questions of the day, and create a dynamic environment that encourages every child to speak for themselves and to engage with their peers.

CREATIVe expression 

Through individual expression, we make perfectly imperfect creations. Every piece is created by your child in a manner that they interpret and by their own hands. We utilize both verbal and visual instruction while keeping in mind that art is individual expression. Our students are encouraged to use their imagination beyond what they are “instructed” to do. Art is always celebrated and is interpreted by our students however they choose.


Our students will run, jump, laugh and play to their hearts content. Outside time is crucial to our day and we go outside in all weather. Freedom to move and play with minimal guidelines from teachers is where children have more opportunities to practice making up games together and verbalizing social boundaries. Each Spring our classes plant gardens where the children tend and manage the day to day jobs of their garden.


The more students feel connected to what they are learning about, the more engaged they are in their learning. Children are given multiple activities to choose from that incorporate multi-senses to connect body to mind. Small group time allows for individualized learning and the ability to explore our activities in a child led or a teacher led experience. We also practice individual work where children work independently which is always available throughout their day.


The toddler program consists of children who are at least 18 months old. These classes have milestone requirements in order to attend Active Learning Academy. Children should no longer have bottles or using pacifiers during the day. They should also only take one nap per day.